Hello everyone and welcome to our family. I have so many stories and adventures to share but mom and dad thought I should start with “Proper Manners” .
Proper manners, a term mommy says I often lack, or at least that is what mom says when Uncle Pumpkin or Poppy (or as many say grandpa) come to visit. I get so excited, I can’t handle myself and I jump and run, and bark… and Mom and Dad laugh and yell. Mom even says “Thank God for no piddles.”
Especially over the past year of distancing, my social skills have gone a little lax. With limited interactions other than delivery drivers, I have not had much practice to patience and concentration. With bans lifted, warm weather on my fur, mom and dad say I need to brush up on my skills.
Now I know my sit, stay, and down, what mom and dad want me to improve on is relax and remain calm. So out came the study manuals and mom remembered that all training begins with relaxation techniques. With a great shout out to Karen Overall, mom and dad and I begin our Protocols for Relaxation. Relaxation you say… yes, I say, Relaxation. The techniques Karen Overall strives to teach are about changing my behavior in a positive manner. As I learn to remain calm and composed with various situations and stimulus I will be to maintain my composure and hopefully, paws crossed, no knock poppy or Uncle Pumpkin over next time they visit.
If you too are interested in learning and practicing Protocols for Relaxation, please visit Karen Overall’s website:
The Relaxation Protocol By Dr. Karen Overall (newhorizonsvbs.com)
I will keep everyone updated on my progress and please drop me a line to share yours!
Until next Time…. Mace Out!